Poetic Traditions of the Islamic World

    1. Welcome - Poetry Lessons

    2. Poetry in Praise of the Prophet (s) from the Companions

    3. The Qasidah Ode & Classical Arabic Prosody

    4. Poetry at the Time of the Prophet ﷺ – From the Golden Odes to the First Poets of Islam

    5. Early Sufi Poets: From Rabia al-Adawiyya to Hallaj

    6. Early Sufi Poets: The Eternal & the Ephemeral Poetry Writing Workshop

    7. The Muwashshah & Zajal of al-Andalus and how they influenced the Troubadours

    8. Ramadan with Rumi - The First Ten Days - Mercy

    9. Ramadan with Rumi - The Second Ten Days - Forgiveness

    10. Ramadan with Rumi - The Last Ten Days - Salvation

    11. Ramadan Ghazal Writing Workshop

    12. Amir Khusrau: The Father of Urdu LIterature

    13. Writing workshop Dye me in your hue: Amir Khusrau - the Parrot of India & Cultural and Poetic Synergism

    14. A History of Palestinian Resistance Poetry

    15. Sonnet Writing Workshop

    16. Sufi Poets of West Africa

    17. Sufi Poets of West Africa: Poetry reading and writing session

    1. Welcome - Poetry Prompts

    2. POETRY PROMPT: Qasīdah - Quest & Aspiration

    3. POETRY PROMPT: Elegy for the Prophet (s)

    4. POETRY PROMPT: Ramadan Ghazal - Mercy, Forgiveness & Salvation

    5. POETRY PROMPT: Early Sufi Poets - the Eternal & the Ephemeral

    6. POETRY PROMPT: Dye me in your hue: Amir Khusrau - the Parrot of India & Cultural and Poetic Synergism

    7. POETRY PROMPT: The Muwashshah of al-Andalus

    8. POETRY PROMPT: The Zajal of al-Andalus

    9. POETRY PROMPT: Sonnet Writing Workshop

    10. POETRY PROMPT: West African Praise Poetry

    11. POETRY PROMPT: Sumūd - Endurance & Steadfastness

    12. Anthology Submission Guidelines and Terms & Conditions

    1. Welcome - Poetry Community

  • £99.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 9 hours of video content
  • Poetry Lessons
  • Poetry Writing Prompts
  • Poetry Community Space

Join a community of poetry lovers!

Set out on a poetry journey...

  • Poetry Lessons

    For centuries poetry was the primary form of literary expression in the Muslim world. In this course we discover some of the treasures of this rich poetic heritage. Explore the poetic traditions of the Islamic world with us from a faith-based perspective, with on-demand video lessons, from the poetry of the Companions of the Prophet ﷺ, through the mystical verses of Sufi poets from South Asia to West Africa, to the history of Palestinian resistance poetry.

  • Poetry Writing Prompts

    Poetry writing prompts inspired by the poetic traditions of the Muslim world to help spark your own creativity.

  • Poetry Community Online Space

    Join our online poetry community space where you can post your own poetry and discuss all things poetry with other members.

Feedback from those enrolled in this course

“A poetry home: A sanctuary, a safe space for reciting, learning, appreciating, writing and sharing verses. A space I have long yearned for and have been most grateful to find. - The Lote Tree press’ poetry classes and workshops are an excellent way of learning about poetry from across the Muslim world. It is rare to find a space that approaches the tradition wholistically (rather than focusing on a specific era or region). The spiritual verses discussed help me develop my own sense of comprehension and spirituality - a benefit that goes beyond the poetry itself. ”

– Muniba M

“Muslim writers often have a unique style of writing (in terms of content and themes) and it’s not always easy to find a space that nurtures that, connecting our tradition with our present day poetry circumstances - and I’m truly grateful to have found a place that does just that.”

– Muniba M

“I love how Lote Tree Press presents ... themes, sharing deep references and resources to understand the context of subject and history of poetry. ”

– Wajiha K

“This is a unique space and listening to the poetry is a beautiful reminder of the long tradition of poetry in the Islamic world. The right words at the right time can move the heart and fill it with new strength. These poems are moving and connect me to a long tradition which is like finding water in the desert of social media. Much research and dedication have gone into the design and presentation of the works. The website is easy to access and watching the videos whenever possible is so helpful. I am grateful to Rabia for doing this work and am happy to have signed up.”

Nura T


  • Do I have to write poetry to benefit from this course?

    No, although there are poetry writing prompts for those who want to write poetry, you can just enjoy the sessions as a poetry lover, as a way to find out more about the history of Islamic poets and poetry.

  • Do I have to take part in the online poetry community?

    No - everything in the course is optional. You are welcome to contribute to poetry discussions and posts in the poetry community, but it is up to you how much you want to get involved.

  • Are the poetry lessons live or on-demand?

    The lessons are on-demand, allowing you to go through the course at your own pace.

Join us!

A poetry caravan awaits